Remote Support and On-site Service

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It’s easy to take your business server for granted when it is performing well. Finding fast, effective solutions is important when problematic issues develop and server repair becomes a reality rather than a possibility. Having been cross-trained on various platforms and technologies, our knowledgeable technicians are proficient in this area of expertise, and they are fully prepared to resolve server issues that might prevent your business from achieving optimal productivity.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

If you’re having Server issues, simply dial out to our server repair & networking team. We’ll remote into your server to drastically decrease downtime in any situation, urgent or not! We can help with slow performance, server crashes, server freeze & lockup, and more.

In most cases, if your server can be turned on and can access the Internet our server repair & networking team can provide you with the Remote Support & Onsite Services you need!

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Are you facing issues with your server? Talk to us. IT infrastructure is the most crucial part of your business. You cannot afford to ignore it. At Palies our engineers are qualified to give you efficient server and computer repairs. Whether you have a maintenance contract or need a one-time service, we will do it efficiently.


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All of these services are “Standard” with Windows Server 2008 R2 and installed by default. If you discover a service that is not listed here, another application, …

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If a NAS device has a server mode, it can also serve email, multimedia files, …. Zadara Storage cloud NAS provides scalable file storage as a service with the …

[/mvc_infobox][mvc_infobox info_opt=”show_icon” link=”link_box” shadow=”vc_info_box_shadow” title_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”fa fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#00356b” hoverbg=”#ffffff” btn_url=”|title:Remote%20Support%20and%20On-site%20Service|target:%20_blank|” info_title=”Remote Support and On-site Service” title_size=”24″]We can provide engineers onsite to resolve issues and continually help improve the services or can provide remote support and monitor the equipment remotely …[/mvc_infobox][/vc_column][/vc_row]