Computer and Network Repair
Computer repair services
850 +
150 +
550 +
Network support
Does your business require networking? Networking is our specialty. We are trained in IT network installations and support for commercial applications for connectivity for many business computers as well as smaller business applications. For smaller businesses, Network Service center in Coimbatore | Palies IT Service can help you get the best possible connections with your current cable/dsl modem after service and device activation including wireless setup. For businesses we can install servers and provide support, develop backup solutions, provide router and firewall configurations.
We are experienced in building installing configuring and maintaining business servers in a variety of situations. We can also restore files, directories, objects, for entire complete servers, from backups and troubleshoot your servers. We recommend a regular maintenance program to ensure continuous reliable server performance.

The operating system’s purpose is to interact with the user. One of his functionality is to anticipate user’s needs and use various methods to recover in case of system failure. To achieve this, the operating system during his daily functioning, collects and stores important data. He uses different methods for different actions. For Browsing it saves all visited web pages. The purpose is, if you want to access them again, they will load faster. If major changes take place, like a driver installation, the system creates a system restore point. In case you experience issues after this action, you have the option to restore to a previous time. The variety of today’s programs can create various problems and lets not forget about malicious software which were specially created to destabilize your operating system. All these factors put together affect your overall computer performance.