Remote Support and On-site Service
It’s easy to take your business server for granted when it is performing well. Finding fast, effective solutions is important when problematic issues develop and server repair becomes a reality rather than a possibility. Having been cross-trained on various platforms and technologies, our knowledgeable technicians are proficient in this area of expertise, and they are fully prepared to resolve server issues that might prevent your business from achieving optimal productivity.If you’re having Server issues, simply dial out to our server repair & networking team. We’ll remote into your server to drastically decrease downtime in any situation, urgent or not! We can help with slow performance, server crashes, server freeze & lockup, and more.
850 +
150 +
550 +
Reliable Server Support
In most cases, if your server can be turned on and can access the Internet our server repair & networking team can provide you with the Remote Support & Onsite Services you need!
Are you facing issues with your server? Talk to us. IT infrastructure is the most crucial part of your business. You cannot afford to ignore it. At Palies our engineers are qualified to give you efficient server and computer repairs. Whether you have a maintenance contract or need a one-time service, we will do it efficiently

Our Server Services
Server Installation
We can help you set up a safe network to successfully keep your business running.
Server Management
Our expert engineers facilitate selections of service package to fulfill company requirements.
Terminal Server
The Terminal Server service monitors the availability of the port, which the clients to our application.
Printer Server
Despite the increased prevalence of digital communication within the modern office
Windows 2008 Server
Microsoft server operating system that was released to the public on February 27, 2008
MS Exchange Server
All components of Exchange Server are implemented as Windows services. The basic components
DNS Server
The DNS is a naming database in which domain names are located and translated into iP addresses.
NAS Server
NAS is a powerful, flexible home storage system – configured by you, for your needs.
Server Repair
We have extensive experience in repairing, rebuilding and installing file-servers from across all manufacturers.
Remote Support and On-site Service
It’s easy to take your business server for granted when it is performing well.
Computer Support
Capitalizing on the proficiency of our capable personnel, we have come up with an inclusive Server Support .
Share Point Server
Share point Server is a self-managed, private higher education server service that provides simple secure virtual data