MS Exchange Server

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All components of Exchange Server are implemented as Windows services. The basic components supply services for managing the Microsoft Exchange Directory, storing and forwarding messages, and other essential functions.

Services, like any other installed software, can become corrupted or unstable. The resource model checks that these services are not stopped or unstable to ensure that Microsoft Exchange is working correctly. Unstable services must be stopped to ensure they do not harm other functions of Microsoft Exchange.

You can also configure the resource model to monitor any other, optional, components of Microsoft Exchange Server that you have installed.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

  • A Consistent User Interface: You’ll seamlessly integrate Exchange with Microsoft Outlook for a consistent user interface and a lower learning curve.
  • Improved Security: Keep your organization safe with the latest defenses against spam and malware, continuous data backup, and compliance with legal, regulatory and company requirements.
  • Increased Control: The Exchange Administration Center provides better control and management.

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Collaboration and communication are critical to a business’ success, but the tools required, such as email, are becoming a IT management headache. Email has been a core business commodity for many years, but with increased user access, exponential data storage growth, security issues and business continuity requirements ever changing, it has become very time-consuming to manage.

Reduce costs

Reduce the total cost of managing your organisation’s email.

High availability

Significantly improve the availability of your email platform.

Palies IT Services offers the best Microsoft Exchange Server Installation in Coimbatore.

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All of these services are “Standard” with Windows Server 2008 R2 and installed by default. If you discover a service that is not listed here, another application, …

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If a NAS device has a server mode, it can also serve email, multimedia files, …. Zadara Storage cloud NAS provides scalable file storage as a service with the …

[/mvc_infobox][mvc_infobox info_opt=”show_icon” link=”link_box” shadow=”vc_info_box_shadow” title_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”fa fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#00356b” hoverbg=”#ffffff” btn_url=”|title:Remote%20Support%20and%20On-site%20Service|target:%20_blank|” info_title=”Remote Support and On-site Service” title_size=”24″]We can provide engineers onsite to resolve issues and continually help improve the services or can provide remote support and monitor the equipment remotely …[/mvc_infobox][/vc_column][/vc_row]